Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I Found My Thrill...

blueberry ice cream And it's homemade blueberry ice cream. Doesn't this just look delectable? I can tell you it tastes as good as it looks. For Labor Day we decided to make homemade ice cream and since we have a freezer full of blueberries (see here). . . well, what better way to use some of them, right? This is good stuff and easy to make too although we weren't ever able to get it to set up in our ice cream maker so we ripened it in the freezer. evidence The boys thoroughly enjoyed it, as did mom and dad (David was the lucky one to enjoy the dish pictured above). We tried the recipe on the recommendation of my sister, Anne. The recipe can be found here. I think next time I make it I will forget the half and half and go for straight cream though (also Anne's suggestion--thanks, Sis!). Maybe that would help it to set up better.  Blueberry bliss!


Heather O said...

Oh man that looks awesome! I love the berry flavors and that is one I don't think I have tried, we'll have to do that. Thanks for the idea!

Mom said...

We just wish we had been there to enjoy it with you! Sounds delicious! Have I ever told you what cute boys you have?