Monday, October 12, 2009

Camping: It was the Best of Times. It was the Worst of Times

ALIM2357(I know it’s kind of dark but here are the boys in front of our tent which Seth helped pitch)

I’m  not much of a camper, but we decided we needed to go camping so that Seth could pass off a bunch of his requirements for the Arrow of Light (the highest award in Cub Scouting and the only patch that you earn as a Cub Scout which can be worn on your Boy Scout uniform). ALIM2355(I don’t know what David is saying in this picture but I love the look on his face and how Seth looks totally bored and Joel looks totally enthralled.) 

I should have know the trip would be somewhat ill-fated when it was rained out the first time. We made it work though, and this past weekend we had a family over-nighter. My favorite part was probably the hike around the lake and getting to see and get pretty close to a great blue heron. Awesome.

ALIM2353 (Here’s Big D watching daddy and big brother pitching the tent)

First of all let me tell why it was the worst of times:

  1. We couldn’t get the fire going because everything was so wet so I had to leave and go to Walmart to buy lighter fluid.
  2. All the campsites were so close together that there really wasn’t much privacy. Kind of takes some of the charm away from the experience. If you want close neighbors just go to the Super 8.
  3. The graham crackers for the s’mores got pulverized into crumbs in the cooler.
  4. The lantern quit working about halfway through the evening.

Now let me tell you why it was the best of times:

  1. I went home and slept in my bed and left the men folk at the camp for the night.

The end.



(Nate mugging for the camera and Daniel giving Dad his hat back. I tried to snap a picture when he was wearing it but I was too slow.)


Danielle said...

LOL...we camped quite a bit growing up, but nowadays, I find the *idea* of camping much more appealing than actually doing it. Hope you had a fun evening at home by yourself! :)

Jill said...

It was great. I went home, took a hot bath, read a book and went to bed early. :)

Mom said...

It's great to read the report of your outing and see the pictures. The whole family had to chuckle when I told them that the only reason you were able to go camping THIS weekend was because Auburn had an AWAY game. I love the idea of those Southern-pride, Auburn War Eagle fans swooping down to envelope the whole community when the football team is in town! I loved the pictures of the boys, and am glad that you got a good night's rest.

Darcy said...

Thats awsome! You are a smart woman!

MelanieH said...

LOVE this. I don't think I would mind a camping trip that includes a bath, book and my bed. :)

Jenn said...

I'm with Danielle. There are pictures of my crib set up in a tent--that's how far back I go with camping. But now, the thought of all the effort involved, plus the clamminess of the tent, and listening to Jonathan snore all night...I'd probably opt to head home to sleep too!

Heather O said...

My favorite is the picture of Big D watching. :)