Monday, January 10, 2011

Seth’s Ordination to the Aaronic Priesthood

Seth's ordination My oldest son passed the Sacrament for the first time today. One of the highlights of the trip for me was when Seth was ordained to the office of Deacon in the Aaronic priesthood on the day after Christmas. What a marvelous experience! We were so blessed to be able to have many of our loved ones there for the occasion. Both of Seth’s grandpas, his one living great-grandpa, four uncles and his oldest cousin were all able to stand in the circle along with David as he ordained Seth. I was overwhelmed with love and gratitude for this amazing heritage of the priesthood in our family (three bishops in this circle!). I am so proud of Seth and the decisions he has made to live worthily to hold the priesthood. I love this picture with all these righteous men who love Seth surrounding him, supporting him, putting their arms around him. They have already taught him a lot through their examples and I hope that he will continue to follow those examples as he grows up. He is such a good boy.

first baptisms for the dead  Seth and I were blessed to be able to go to the Oquirrh Mountain  Temple together to do some baptisms for the dead as well. This was Seth’s first opportunity to go to the temple. It was a sweet experience to get to be there with him even though it was really cold that early in the morning. :)

Oquirrh Mountain temple


Amy said...

I love it! Your baby is a deacon! That is just unbelievable how quickly time passes.

Jenn said...

**SNIFF** Such an awesome experience!

Mom said...

I'm so glad you were here over the holidays, and just at the right time for all of us to enjoy the special experience of Seth's ordination. We miss all of you!

MelanieH said...

Such a great day! He is a good boy--tell him thanks for his good example. I am grateful for it. Oh, and the look on Sammy's face? Classic.