Friday, March 11, 2011

Cracked Eggs and Banana Splits

Today wasn’t quite as lovely as the last two days. Earlier I walked into the kitchen to find nearly a dozen eggs broken on the floor (and one on the counter). Someone told me recently that a bored child is a naughty child. This is evidence.
cracked eggsCracked eggs—not lovely.
After my scolding, Daniel was very sorry. (I do love the way this little boy is so sincere when he apologizes though). The two of us grabbed the paper towels and we had the floor clean in no time. I had read a thought on Sarah Jane’s blog earlier today that I loved: “Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.” Thomas S. Monson. The mess was only temporary and I was thankful that I had read that reminder and had that little dose of perspective.
Lovely thing 1: Perspective
Between the gloomy weather,  a recent bout with a nasty stomach bug, pants that feel too tight and a mediocre haircut, I haven’t felt all that lovely lately. I remembered this quote today though. It is one of my favorites.
 good thoughts
It’s good to remember that I just need to stay positive—smile more, be happy and have good thoughts. If I feel beautiful inside it will show more on the outside. I really believe that.
Lovely thing 2: Good thoughts.
This afternoon our neighbor brought us homemade chocolate chip cookies. Warm ones.
Lovely thing 3: Neighbors who are also friends.
We had a banana split party tonight with just our family. I made my favorite homemade caramel sauce. It is buttery, velvety and most definitely lovely. You can get my recipe here.
banana splitBanana split—lovely.
Lovely thing 4: Sharing sweet memories and a delicious treat with my 5 guys.
We all need more lovely in our lives. What loveliness did the day bring to you?


FOREVER YOUNGblood said...

I love your blog. It is so true. Your inside truly outshines your outside. That banana split looks SO yummy.

Mauri said...

The best lovely of today: Jimmer scoring 52 points to help BYU beat UNM. :)

Danielle said...

The 3-hour nap that Samantha and Ethan took almost simultaneously, and the two episodes of Lark Rise to Candleford that I was able to watch during that time. Snuggling their warm-cheeked sweetness when they awoke, and homemade macaroni and cheese for dinner. Lovely. :)

Amy said...

We were able to get our Saturday chores done early here. Sean and I got a babysitter and ran errands without children. :D