Thursday, April 07, 2011

Allergies, Azaleas, Ansel Adams and Appalachian Spring

Okay so, allergies are not lovely, but read on. Nate is feeling much better today (just itchy as he had a reaction to the medication he has been on). We took him back to the doctor for a third time. His impetigo has cleared up (hip hip hooray!)and lucky for him he doesn’t have to take any more of his nasty medicine because apparently he is allergic to it. Not having to take yucky medicine is probably pretty lovely to a six year old.
After a delicious dinner of rosemary garlic tilapia with the family, the two of us (Nate and I) went on a walk so I could take a few pictures. My photography has been seriously neglected lately. We saw lots of lovely things:

pink flower tree (1)pink flower tree (2)Pretty pink flowering trees in our neighborhood. Anyone know what these are? 
Azalea Azaleas in front of our house.
Sunset The sunset this evening was lovely.

The temperatures were in the mid to high 70s today. It almost seemed more like summer than spring, but a very mild, pleasant summer, mind you.

I left David to put the boys to bed and went to pick up a few groceries. I bought myself a lavender plant that I will plant in the morning. Don’t you think lavender is lovely? I do!

Appalachian Spring came on the radio while I was driving home from the grocery store tonight. Aaron Copland is one of my favorite composers. 

This is just a small selection from the piece accompanied by some Ansel Adams photography. Yes, most of the photography is from the western US, while the song is Appalachian Spring and the Appalachians are in the eastern US. Still, Copland’s music=lovely; Ansel Adams photography=lovely, so I think it’s a good combination.

I’m nearly to the end of my “30 days of Lovely” personal challenge. Tomorrow is the last official day, but I have been blessed by trying to see the good so I think I’ll keep posting a couple of lovely things each day along with my regular posts, if no one minds. Maybe some days my regular posts will just be the lovely things. We’ll see. Please feel free to keep sharing your lovely things with me. They make me so very happy.

What loveliness did the day bring to you?


Amy said...

I am back home with my kids today and I found out my sister is having a baby girl! WOOHOO! Another baby to hug and cuddle.

Samuel James Dunn, Esq. said...

Speaking of Ansel Adams, there's an exhibit of Dorothea Lange's photography at the MOA right now and in the exhibit there is one photo taken by Ansel Adams. A few weeks ago an older couple (looking moderately lost) wandered into the exhibit and the following conversation ensued as they found the one photograph of Ansel Adams.
he husband points his knobby, liver-spotted hand at the picture and says, "Ansel Adams. He's famous."
To which his wife responds, "He is. We have one of his pictures in the bathroom."

true fame n. \ˈtrü ˈfām\ to have one's work hung in the bathroom.