Friday, October 10, 2008

Grab Your Torch and Pitchfork

torch and pitchforks Did you hear about the AIG retreat? It seems that just days after the federal bailout package, insurance giant AIG spent $440,000 on a first class retreat for its executives. We are talking luxurious accommodations with spa treatments, feasting and golfing fun for everyone. What the heck?! I mean what where these people thinking. As Amy Pohler of SNL put it, that's like going ahead with Grandma's birthday party when Grandma died 3 days ago. Even the mafia knows not to spend money that soon after a heist. My dad and I were talking on the phone and he had a great idea. You know the Salem Witch Trials? Well hanging or burning at the stake might be a little harsh in this case (but only a little) but he suggested we go about dealing with these people in a similar manner. We could give them the chance to publicly confess to their stupidity  and  renounce their trespasses and then we can let them live their lives in shame as outcasts or we can stick them in the stocks and let everyone ridicule them and throw rotten cabbages at their heads. At this point I think I would personally feel better if I could throw a rotten cabbage at someone.


Rencher Fam said...

I was just as outraged as you when I heard the news. A rotten cabbage really would come in handy...

Jill said...

David suggested we round up some rotten produce and just send it all to the offenders, postage due of course.

Heather O said...

Count me in!!