Thursday, April 02, 2009

I've Seen Stranger Things

Well, April Fool's Day has come and gone. My somewhat lame attempt to fool my kids at breakfast by switching the Kix with the Peanut Butter Puffs and then gluing the boxes shut again fell flat when we awakened at about 7:15. The late bell for school rings at 7:30. There was no time for cereal. It was toast and bananas on the fly for the Dunn boys.

David's April Fool's joke was somewhat more successful. I was going to post it here, but the day got away from me. Instead I will just share the pictures which I photo-shopped for him and which he used in his departmental seminar yesterday.mousealope copy Here you see the world's first mousalope--an experiment in introducing foreign genetic material into the mouse genome.

mammoth cloner copy This useful technology  can be applied across several species and in multiple disciples as  proven in this picture. Here is a mammoth piece of evidence of the veracity of these claims. By way of full discloser Dr. Pinkert did instruct him to make everyone aware that those clouds in the second picture are photo-shopped.


MelanieH said...

Ha ha ha. I love your April Fools days jokes! (I'm sorry yours didn't goes as planned, but it's the thought that counts, right?) :)

Darcy said...

Atleast you attempted a joke on April fools day. I am so boring I did'nt even try.

Mom said...

Wow--that is so amazing that David could produce a mammoth from mouse parents just by introducing foreign genetic material! Thanks for telling me about the clouds--they do look kind of fake, and it might have made me wonder if the rest of the picture was really real.