Monday, May 23, 2011

Oh, Happy Day!

David with Dr. Carl Pinkert, his adviser and mentor before the graduation

The moment that we've been anticipating for the last seven years has come and gone. We had a wonderful time in New York (and Ohio) with our family--so many sweet memories--but as David and I were sharing our favorite moments of the trip, they came back to this: the graduation.

David's name being read before he crosses the stage to receive his diploma and hood
David's graduation was nearly perfect. It was held in the Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre, so it was a beautiful and historic venue. The Genesee Brass Quintet provided the music. The whole atmosphere was dignified and classy. As the graduates marched in, I was filled with emotion. This has been a long, hard journey for our family.

David said his favorite moment was when Joel Seligman (University of Rochester President) handed him his diploma and said "Congratulations, Dr. Dunn." I didn't actually get to see that moment. A woman stood up right in my line of sight and I missed the actual moment of receiving the diploma. (Yes, I was angry. I wanted to yell, "Down in front! Don't you know I've been waiting seven years for this!"). However, I did get to see the hooding, so that was my favorite moment. I admit that I got a little teary.

I also especially loved when the University President asked the graduates for a round of applause for their family and friends who helped them get to that point and I saw David  be the first to stand and look in our direction with a big smile on his face as he applauded me and his family.

David and Me immediately following the graduation

Afterward we visited with Dr. Pinkert and made our way to a reception upstairs. We took lots of pictures and just enjoyed the moment. I thought it might be nice to go to the river campus for some more pictures so we made our way there and had a great time walking around the campus in the rain and snapping silly and serious photos.

David gives the best speech ever as his siblings look on (actually he just quoted every famous political speech he could think of, ranging from Lincoln's "Four score and seven years ago" to Nixon's "I am not a crook"). People were stopping to watch--it was that good.     

Does this picture look slightly familiar? Yep, we did that on purpose.

Dr. Dunn, PhD in front of the Rush-Rees Library on the U of R campus. 

The next evening we continued our celebration with delicious cake and ice cream and a couple of presents. We even sang "Happy Graduation to You."

We all concurred that the guy at the Wegmans bakery exhibited exemplary "frostmanship" with his "frostwriting" on the cake.  

I feel so blessed that we were able to go to Rochester for the graduation. I have had some pretty amazing days in my life--days filled with beauty and joy and new beginnings. This was one of them.


Heidi said...

Congratulations to both of you! So exciting!

Christine said...

I'm so happy for ALL of you. It should be a great day to honor all of your hard work and sacrifices. I'm glad that it lived up to all that it should be.

Mauri said...

That was so much fun! I loved going to the graduation and walking around campus. We have a great family. :) I'm still impressed by the frostmanship. haha