Monday, September 19, 2011

At the End of the Day

Blue otter pop melted on my recently cleaned bathroom counter. It left a big stain. Thank goodness for Mr. Clean Magic Erasers.
Sometimes I go into my boys' rooms after they have fallen asleep just to look at them and remember how sweet life can be during the good times. I especially like to do this on days when I am feeling frustrated, exasperated, worn-out or impatient; Days like today for example. It really hasn't been a bad day except that I have had a sore throat and I feel a little worn out. (This is what happens to me when I don't get enough sleep. I get a sore throat).

Things were going fine until I started cleaning up the table after dinner. Nate decided it would be a good idea to pick up a piece of chicken out of the casserole dish with his fork and hold it over the dish until it fell into the barbecue sauce with a splat and splashed sauce all over my new white pants (which I have only worn twice, by the way). I went to change out of my pants so I could throw them in the washer right away when I heard Seth start yelling at Daniel. Apparently Danny decided that that would be an opportune time for him to pee-pee on the carpet in his bedroom.

I grabbed a towel and threw it on the mess then went to throw my pants in the washer which I discovered was full of clean but wet clothes. I threw those in the dryer and tried to start it up but the dryer has just recently started acting up and wouldn't work (yes, this is the new dryer we got when ours died back at the end of May). *Sigh*.

Then Daniel puked. 

Anyway, it all turned out okay. The pants are in the wash. The dryer is running (with about 1/3 of its original load) and the mess has been cleaned. I think Daniel will be okay too. Now all the boys are playing quietly in their rooms and I am about to tuck them all into bed.

And then, when they are asleep I will go in and look at them and remember how sweet life can be. Sometimes.

Daniel fell asleep playing with pirates after lunch today. I do love nap time.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I had a very similar day, puking child and all! I can't wait to kiss their sleeping, quiet heads...