Sunday, June 06, 2010

Joy in the Little Things

Life is going along pretty uneventfully at the moment. School’s out and we’ve enjoyed several family outings and trips to the pool. Today after dinner we were entertained for a few minutes by Daniel’s reaction to a balloon. It made us all smile and that was a good reminder to me to take time to enjoy the little things. Sometimes it’s worth it to leave the dishes for a few minutes, grab the camera and record the fun. Enjoy.


Mom said...

That's the cutest thing I've seen in a long time--what a cute boy! Who needs expensive toys when a balloon or a cardboard box will do? P.S. Does he still wear the eye patch?

Jill said...

He still wears the patch for 7 hours a day. He had had it on since before church so that's why he isn't wearing it here. We will find out more when I take him back to the ophthalmologist on the 17th.

Mauri said...

He's so cute! He looks so big, and listen to him talk!

Heather O said...

Love this! Graham and I both got a kick out of this. I'll have to show it to Jack in the morning. Thanks for sharing!

Darcy said...

I wish I was entertained that easily! He is getting so big.