Sunday, April 03, 2011

Lovely Women

momMy mom 

Thou art thy mother's glass, and she in thee
Calls back the lovely April of her prime.
~William Shakespeare

I’ve often been told I look like my mom. I think that is a wonderful compliment. This woman embodies loveliness in every aspect of her life. As a child she encouraged me and nurtured my feelings of self-worth. She taught me how to do things that have enabled me to bless my own family. Anything Mom does, she does well. She excels at cooking, sewing, family history, gardening, school. If she wants to do something, you can count on her being successful at it. She taught me that the way to be happy is to serve others and to keep the commandments and she helped me practice in those areas by teaching me how to do them through example. Even now that I am grown and have my own family, I know that she prays for me daily. I can always call her when I feel down and discouraged and she will listen and lift me up. She is amazing. I love you, Mom.

MarshaMy mother-in-law

This lovely woman is my mother-in-law. Anyone who knows her, knows how wonderful she is. She is one of the kindest, most generous people I know. She loves her family and is always serving them whether it is by baking them one of her famous cherry pies or sending a package to her grandchildren or just calling on the phone to check and see how everyone is doing. She is an example of industry, compassion and pure Christ-like love. She is well-educated, taking time to study the scriptures and read the newspaper daily. She is always busy with callings and service but never too busy to take a few minutes to talk to me on the phone to find out about my problems and encourage me. I love you, Mom.

Here’s to lovely women. The world is a better place because of them.

What loveliness did the day bring to you?


Marilyn Cassidy said...

Thank you, Dear. I certainly was blessed with lovely children!

Mom said...

Thank you, Jill -- what a lovely thing for you to do! When I saw the beautiful picture of your Mother, I thought that you don't need to worry about being 35 (or 45 or 65 or 85 either for that matter)because you, like her, will always be beautiful and lovely at every age of your life! I admire and love you both tremendously.

Love, Mom Marsha